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Me with my roommates Deana and Kathy at Union Square in San Francisco. Merry Christmas, and may God bless you as you celebrate the miracle of Jesus' birth!
...and that would be an understatement! A lot has happened in my life in 2005, so I thought I would pause for a moment to reflect and share about some of the trials and blessings God has brought my way.As the year began, I wrote in my blog that I had a feeling a lot of changes would be coming my way. I was sure right about that. It started right off in February at the first Grace Women's Prayer Summit. Not only was I relieved of a burden I thought would always be mine to carry, but God started speaking to me abouot California that weekend, too. My post from February "The healing that could only come from God" talks about the story in detail. In short, it changed my life and my outlook on my life. I had a confidence, peace, and unspeakable joy that I didn't know were possible when I returned home. I still do, it was that great of a milestone.In March I found out I would once again be losing my position at Grace due to budget cuts. At the same time, I was booking a flight for a prayer conference in Sacramento. I remember asking God if He wanted me to move to CA, and I immediately knew that whatever job I took next would have me moving there. It was surreal, as I had just said to my friend Angela the year before that I could never live in CA. God really does have a sense of humor!Between booking my flight and arriving at the conference two weeks later, I had three interviews for internships scheduled for while I was there. The first and last were good, but I knew they weren't right. The second one, however, was a perfect fit. I met with Bill and Deana in Danville, and knew I would be coming out.I moved Memorial Day weekend, just under three weeks after finding out for sure that the position was mine if I wanted it. Kristin (bless her heart!) rode all the way across the country with me.The rest was amazing through the year - God brought me a perfect part-time job at a little antique shop and the means to attend Fuller seminary. And I started making friends and falling in love with the Bay area. I love it here, and though being homesick a couple times was pretty hard, I know God needs me here now and I plan to stay, at least for a while. I can't wait to see what changes 2006 is going to bring as I pursue a full-time youth ministry role. And who knows, there may be other surprises along the way, too...
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