I cannot believe it's 2005! I feel like 2004 flew by and left me in the dust. I have to admit, though, it was by far the busiest year I've ever had. And it definitely got away from me.
2005 is a year of new beginnings, and I know God has many challenges in store for me this year. I do not do resolutions. I think it just sets me up for failure. Too many people follow the examples of others and make grand resolutions that if they really thought about they'd know they're never going to keep. So I do not do them--at least not in the traditional sense.
Instead, I made a covenant with my Father in heaven to spend more time than in the past getting to know Him. So I bought myself a Two-Year Bible in the New Living Translation (a beautiful translation in modern English). It lays out the entire Bible in daily reading segments that take about 7 minutes a day to read. Each one includes an Old Testament passage (starting with Genesis), a New Testament passage (starting with Matthew), a passage from Psalms, and a passage from Proverbs. It's a great way to read through the Bible in manageable segments. For right now, it's the best way for me to hear from God on a daily basis as I eat my breakfast every morning.
I'm also finishing school this spring, the second time around with college. I got a 4-year business degree the first time, and didn't like the corporate atmosphere. I ended up working at a church, and decided to go back to school for a bachelor's degree in Christian Ministry to give me a solid Bible foundation. I love it, and am sad it's ending. I've been going through each class with the same 10 people for two years, and I'm sad our weekly time together is ending. It's been wonderful seeing everyone grow in their faith and see where God's directing them. I'm excited to see where He's directing me.
The major call I've had from God for 2005 is to simplify my life. I'm too busy, and my body is physically paying the price right now. I'm slowly cutting things out of my schedule, some of which are hard to let go of. Like my two young piano students, who last night I told I'd only be teaching through the end of January. I spend an hour and a half in rush hour traffic to teach for an hour, and it's a stress I can cut out. But I love those two kids, and wish I could continue teaching them.
I'm also looking forward to what God has in store for my personal life this year, in romantic relationship(s), friendships, and roommates, plus my 10-year high school reunion and many weddings and babies. It will definitely be a year of changes. But I live for change and thrive on it.
God has been so unbelievably faithful to me in the past, and I know He will continue to be forever. What a privilege it is to serve Him in my job and be able to call Him my Provider and Friend.
Friday, January 07, 2005
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