Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Peace, Sweet Peace

On Sunday night, I was doing my homework for my Interpreting Romans class. It had been a busy weekend for me with moving, helping with a junior high event, and going to my roommate's wedding. Yet, I had this amazing sense of peace. I heard the opening line of "It Is Well With My Soul" and a poem started forming in my mind. So here is what I wrote:

Peace Like a River

I am amazed at the peace that lies within
Though life is full of challenges and trials.
Just when I expect the anxiety to set in
God shows up to guide me across the miles.

I struggle and worry for no reason at all
About jobs, family, money and friends.
Yet God takes care of big and small
And His love for me knows no end.

This love that I cannot even imagine
That cost Him His one and only son
Saved me from the penalty of my sin
And now the battle is clearly won.

What is it about sin that always seems
To bring things like sadness and worry?
And only causes me to deem
Myself utterly, completely unworthy?

For even though Satan knocks on my door
And tries to bring to me lies
I am not the person I was before
And I no longer am fooled by his disguise.

My heart is now ruled by Jesus, my Lord.
He redeemed me and set me free.
It humbles me so to think that He bore
It all and I say “Why me?”

His answer, it comes, so sweet to my ear
“My daughter, because you are mine.
I love you and want you just to draw near
So I can also be thine.”

The bliss of that thought makes me smile and say
That “I love you too, dearest Jesus.
I never again want to be far away
Or there ever to be space between us.”

This love will always bring hope and strength
For whatever life leads me through.
For God will go to any great length
To help guide me in what I should do.

When trials, as now, come running my way
It would be easy just to give in.
But that peace like a river bids me to say
“Thank you Lord for being my friend.”

I am awaiting the news of a possible job in California, and my job at Grace ends on May 31. Some days in the last months the peace has been hard to find. I am at peace now with what God is doing and what He is going to do.

I attended Grace's All-Church Prayer Summit two weeks ago, and it was another amazing weekend of seeking God's face. He really gave me peace about the unknowns that are ahead. I give all the glory to Him for what He has done in me, and I am excited for what is to come.


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